Saturday, January 19,2019:

A one day workshop for teachers of English was attended by our teachers today. The workshop was organized at St.Vincent's School by Navneet foundation. The topic of the workshop was the revised pattern of Activity sheet (Question Paper) of 10th standard. Three of our teachers, Prashant sir, Soloman sir and Tr.Deepti participated in the workshop alongwith more than 75 teachers across the city.

The workshop had 5 different sessions dedicated to thorough discussion and guidance through Subject experts as Resource persons. the various aspects of the Activity sheet were discussed through Group discussions, Activities and other ways. It helped the teachers to clarify their doubts regarding the same. In return, it will surely help our students to understand the pattern of Activity sheet as well as to answer it in a better way.

.....Report by- Prashant Gaikwad